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  • Non-Warrantable Vs. Warrantable Condos

    Non-Warrantable Vs. Warrantable Condos

    July 31, 2020

    Is buying a condo right for you? Condominiums, or condos, can be great alternatives to detached homes. City dwellers, singles, couples, seniors, and many others may find condos that suit their needs and budgets. Others may simply prefer low-maintenance living. Buyers who feel “priced out” of homes may discover condos offer an affordable homeownership alternative. […]

  • Look Good, Sound Good, the Art of a Successful Zoom Meeting

    Look Good, Sound Good, the Art of a Successful Zoom Meeting

    July 20, 2020

    Look Good, Sound Good, the Art of a Successful Zoom Meeting: Find a Space to Settle in with Good Lighting. Good lighting is critical when setting up for a Zoom meeting because it allows the other party to see you clearly. To find flattering lighting, place your computer on a desk, table or side table, […]