Jen Aalderink
Licensed in: MI, FL
Jen Aalderink is one of those good old American success stories. She started in the mortgage industry over twenty years ago and worked her way through almost every role – developing a deep understanding of the entire loan process. She was a natural and soon became one of most knowledgeable people in the industry. Her passion and drive are unmatched and clients are drawn to her style of business. She is a Mom, from the country, who believes in a hard day’s work, that you are only as good as your handshake, and most importantly, to treat others as you want to be treated.
Jen loves to serve her local community and currently sits on the board of the Dorr Business Association and Fourth of July planning committee. Her passion in life is connecting people. She hosts a monthly podcast “The Mortgage Mom Connection.” The podcast interviews local business owners and shares helpful tips on business networking and opportunities in West Michigan.
Jen is married to Michael and they have 5 children ranging in ages from 9 to 26. They live in the country and enjoy sitting around a fire with friends or hosting a family outdoor movie night on their property. Keeping up with the busy family life allows Jen many opportunities to meet and connect with potential clients. It’s what she loves most about being a loan officer. Her work and life walk hand in hand and she would have it no other way!